Ever wonder what jamu is and what wonders it can do for you?
It is a traditional herbal medicine derived from leaves, fruits, roots, seeds, flowers or tree barks, that has been widely used since ancient times, especially in Indonesia. Among common herbs used in jamu prescriptions are ginger (Zingiber officinale), wild ginger (Curcuma cautkeridza), turmeric (Curcuma domestica), greater galingale (Kaempferia galanga), kumis kucing (Orthosiphon aristatus), bengle (Zingiber bevifalium), secang (Caesalpinia sappan hinn), brotowali (Tiospora rumpii boerl), calamondin (Citrae aurantifalia sivingle), cinnamon (Gijeyzahyza glabra), and alang-alang (Gramineae).
Jamu is used to treat a wide variety of ailments ranging from fatigue and headache to malaria. It also supplies the body with vitamin C, cleanses the blood, keeps the body in good shape, and makes the skin smooth. Many believes regular intake of jamu helps to keep one young and virile, afterall indeed, beauty starts from within, and you see the resulting glow outside.
Here in Tjantek Spa, we believe in bringing the best, just for you. As someone who has been taking jamu for years, especially since giving birth to my two wonderful children, I have been religiously consuming jamu till today. Hence, I would like to share this wonderful concoction to all, and the therapists in Tjantek Spa are well trained to brew the fresh jamu individually just for you. Do drop by, and learn more about this beauty ancient secret...here, in Tjantek Spa.
RM10 per serving
with added beras kencur, honey and fresh lime juice
Jamu Sehat Wanita
- Promotes Youthfulness, attractive, reduce fatigue,aches
Jamu Kuku Bima and Jamu Sihat Pria Lelaki
- For men, to build stamina and improves well-being
Jamu Tolak Angin
- Good for common cold and its symptoms such as fever, headache, sore throat, nausea, flatulence, abdominal pain, feeling of cold, sore eyes. Also maintain body defence mechanism during hard work, staying up all night and traveling far distances.
Jamu Awet Ayu and Jamu Delima Putih
- Ensures that you are consistently fresh, healthy and reenergised, regularizes your period, as well as prevents white discharge.
Jamu Kunyit Asam
– Maintain women’s vitality during menstruation period.
Jamu Beras Kencur
- For body refreshments and cure fatigue and soar throat
Jamu Sari Rapet and Jamu Empot Empot
- for women and intimacy
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