Jari Menari Massage by Tjantek Spa
Also known as 'The 4 Hands Massage' and 'The Dancing Fingers Massage". Two therapists will work their fingers together, all over your body, giving you the massage experience of a lifetime. We train our therapists to run in synchronization, long continuous strokes hence you will feel the ultimate luxurious touch by our therapists.
Totok Facial by Tjantek Spa
Why is this facial different? Simply because we believe that facial accupressure will help improve blood circulation, hence promotiong glow from within. In Malay, we call it 'seri wajah'. With regular facial massage, Totok Facial will give you the 'seri wajah' you yearn for.
Intimacy Care by Tjantek Spa
Also known as 'tangas', or 'ratus'. In lame man terms, it means, 'vaginal spa'. Why this is good for you? It works wonders for those who suffer from excessive discharge or fungal infection. The treatment will certainly help in tightening up the vagina wall as well.
Jamu Bancuh by Tjantek Spa
The One and Only in Miri. Our therapist, Icha, is the jamu connoiseueur. She specializes in concocting jame fresh from our kitchen. We have a number of jamu for you to choose, namely Jamu Sehat Wanita, Jamu Awet Ayu, Jamu Delima Putih, to name a few. In addition, flown straight from Madura, we have the infamous Jamu Empot Empot, Jamu Rapet Wangi and Tongkat Madura.
Curious? Walk in and be enchanted and enthralled by Tjantek Spa.
Call us at 013-8425533 or email to surainee.abdul.latif@tjantekspamiri.com
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